First Page Rodeo Winners!

We are excited to announce the winners of this year’s First Page Rodeo competition. We had a staggering 53 entries, which rather blew us away in the best possible sense. Our panel of three judges read all entries without any indication as to the author’s identity (Columbia is a small town, after all) and deliberations (which were quite spirited, we understand) were all done with just numbers to identify the participants. The judges report that they had an excellent time, read many wonderful pieces, and are looking forward to doing it all again next year.

The winners are, in alphabetical order:

Signe Cohen

Stefanie Epier

Laura Herbst

Joe Marshall

Deni Cary Phillips

Our warmest congratulations to these five writers. Their first pages will be made available on this site shortly and will be read, reviewed, and commented upon by our panel of experts as the opening event of Sunday’s Write On! workshop.


Introducing this year’s Emerging Poet!


Alan Gratz is our Authors in the Schools Keynote!